Foot Test

High. Med. Low. Your Individualizers.

Three foot profiles – three colors − three currexSoles. Find the perfect solution for you, depending on your footprint!

High Arch
More load on the lateral area of your foot? You have high arches and your shoes often rub the top of your foot? The currexSole in HIGH profile is right for you.

Med Arch
Equal load on the lateral and medial areas of your foot? You need a currexSole in MED profile.

Low Arch
Do you have low arches? Do your shoes come off easily? You need the currexSole in LOW profile.

Take the currexSole test!

Your local specialist currexSole retailer will measure your foot profile and your leg axis on our specially developed analysis device and recommend the optimum currexSole in HIGH, MED or LOW for you.

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Take the FOOT test AT HOME!

If you would like to buy online and take your foot test at home, please follow the 3 steps below:

1st Step:Measure your arch

  1. Remove your shoes and socks. Wet the sole of your right foot. Walk with your right foot onto a piece of newspaper to leave a print.
  2. Repeat the process with your left foot. Match your foot print with the chart to find out your foot type.
    High arch – Only the heel and ball of foot are visable.
    Medium arch – The foot is evently balanced.
    Low arch – The inner arch is sunken, the imprint in the middle is wider compared to a medium arched foot.
    Flat arch – The inner arch is almost flat, so that you can see the total foot imprint.

2nd Step: Check your leg type

  1. Stand tall and try to put your ankles together.
  2. Make sure you don’t hyperextend your knees – keep them just slightly bent.
  3. Choose your leg shape:(You could use a mirror to help you)
    Bow-legs– So called “O-shape leg”. At least two fingers fit between the knees when ankles are together.
    Straight legs – The knees almost touch when the ankles are together.
    Knock-knees – So called “X-shape leg”. At least two fingers fit between the ankles when knees are together

3rd Step: Combine Results

  1. Use the chart to combine your result and find out which currexsole type that suit for you.
    A1, A2, B1, B2: Use the HIGH PROFILE – meaning the blue – currexSole. Works best for your needs in a neutral shoe.
    A3, B3, C1, C2, D1: The MED PROFILE – meaning the orange – currexSole works perfect for your foot and ankle complex. Work best with a slight medial posting shoe.
    C3, D2, D3: The LOW PROFILE – this is the red – protects your foot and ankle joint from soft tissue overuse. Work best with a medial support shoe to maximize the outcome.
  2. Check your insole size according to the size chart.